Token name: AIMEME

The total amount of AIMEME Token is 10 billion.

80% IDO: 8 billion.

10% Airdrop: 1 billion.

10% Developers: 1 billion.

Contract address: NULL (BSC/PEGO Chain)Staking & Lucky

AIMEME NODE Contract Address(BSC):0x280aB08cc85d68956F4CAc3e97cbaB85eBc2D41b

Buy slippage: 0%, Sell slippage: 10%, (2% marketing address, 4% prize pool address,1.5% to nodes ,0.5% destroyed, 2% whitelist address)

AIMEME WhiteList (BSC) : 0x280ab08cc85d68956f4cac3e97cbab85ebc2d41b

AIMEME Token(BSC):0x0b47a1573c9cf604619a56024ed275064b1f0217

AIMEME X (BCS):0x77d8f3033353a79b5ff7a6e04c7941f1be128556

WhiteList , 240USDT/WL

Benefits of whitelist

  1. 240USDT gets 300USDT of AIMEME.

  2. Get a dividend of 2% of the handling fee for selling on AIMEME's entire network.

Whitelist activities

  1. The white list recommends 5 white lists that can share 100 million AIMEME, as of August 15 at 24:00 (UTC time).

  2. The whitelist completes the 1000U public offering (or 5 whitelists), and 100 million AMEME can be divided up. The event time is all users who have completed the valid whitelist before 24:00 on August 13 (UTC time).

  3. If you have completed the whitelist, please send a screenshot of the transfer (be sure to include the home page of the transfer wallet, make sure it is not an observation wallet) to the official email or send it to the community leader

Public Sale,Minimum 200USDT

AIMEME uses a fair launch, the price of AIMEME is the same for all, and the price of listing depends on the amount of USDT in IDO.

Last updated